Year 6 - Oliver Twist


Sofian - It was so fun performing the role of Dogger

Zahra - I love the performance and I love all of you guys ??

Zantac - I love the performance ?

Sulaiman - This was an awesome performance!

Mahdi - Best performance ever

Somaiya - It was fun

Yahya - Awesome performance

Yahya - It was an awesome performance

Yahya - I will never forget you Year 6

Sumaiya - It was so fun performing Oliver Twist. I'll never forget that day.

Wendy - Well done, Year 6! A wonderful performance! Wishing you all the best in the future.

Sophie - It was a amazing day but I already miss everyone and it’s only been a day!!!?

Nazifa - Best performance ever in Halley history

Nazifa - That was so fun

Aysha - An unforrgettable performance!

Dhakiyah - Awesome performance!

Sara - That was fun

Sara - That was so fun it felt great doing the assembly

Mia - It was so fun that day

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