Our Curriculum

Mission Statement for the Halley Curriculum

At Halley we strive to present the best possible learning opportunities to our children and continually review and evaluate the curriculum being offered. Central to the most recent review and development is our desire to move from a National Curriculum to OUR curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to meet the current and future needs and aspirations of our children as well as make the most of the learning opportunities offered by the richness and diversity of the cultures and environment on our doorstep. We want our children to develop the skills, knowledge and disciplines of a subject, we want our children to 'Think like mathematicians'; 'Think like Scientist', 'Think like engineers...'

We believe that a broad, balanced and creative curriculum in which the development of our children's skills, talents and attitudes take central stage will not only result in excellence and enjoyment but will also drive the push towards higher standards and profound life-long learning.  We want to own an outstanding primary curriculum that will challenge and inspire all our pupils and prepare them for the future. Although there is an emphasis on the development of personal, social learning skills and attitudes, there will be a continuing stress on securing the essential expertise in English, Maths and Computing.

We aim for all of our children to become:

  • Successful learners who achieve and enjoy learning
  • Confident individuals who can live safe and healthy lives
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic well being

We will ensure that the curriculum will build on prior learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage and that at all stages 'audience and purpose' will be given great importance - we believe that real quality learning is best achieved through 'having a reason'.

We have a:

  • robust curriculum that meets National Curriculum requirements
  • Develops transferable skills that which support life-long learning
  • Better equips children for their future...including changes that we cannot even anticipate now
  • Provides opportunities for child-initiated learning
  • Provides rich learning and teaching opportunities based on excellence and enjoyment
  • Provides stimulating and safe learning environment where children are encouraged to be creative

Context, community, consultation - What we want for our children?

The Halley Curriculum arises from extensive stakeholder consultation, whilst fulfilling the National Curriculum.  Families are very keen that children understand their local area and have ongoing opportunities to participate in the life of Greater London, of which they are a part.  Consultation also demonstrated the School community desire for the curriculum, behaviours and values to be interlinked. The Halley Curriculum aims to not only reflect the diverse local community but also to actively promote equality.  It does this through giving voice to pupils, by taking part in democratic events and through response to issues.

Our Wider Curriculum Offer

During children's time at Halley they will have the opportunity to work with range of specialist teachers, as our curriculum includes opportunities to learn to play musical instruments through class, small group and one-to-one tuition provided by the Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service, we also work closely with Junior Jam (Education Supplier)  who provides us with specialist music, computing, sports and dance (P.E.) tuition.

Our science curriculum is deepened for children through time spent with 'Grow Your Own Playground' team who help us to use our gardens and natural habitats. All children in KS2 will learn to speak, hear and appreciate French as a modern foreign language from our native speaking French tutor.

From EYFS to end of KS2 children will have the opportunity with work with our artist in residence who delivers a bespoke, relevant art curriculum allowing pupils not just to build upon artistic skills but to develop a love for creating inspired by artist of the past and now. And there is so much more to what we have to offer...



At Halley Primary School, an enriched Science curriculum that provides opportunities for practical lessons on a weekly basis is key. The children are exposed to a wide variety of topics that support the children’s curiosity for learning.  Our curriculum aims to broaden the children’s scientific view of the world around them, whilst promoting a love for enquiry and wanting to explore new things. Through hands-on, enquiry-based activities, children will experience the joy of learning ‘how’ and ‘why’. We seek to promote this open-mindedness and further develop their enquiring minds, so they eventually become independent learners.

We believe in equality of access, and endeavour to unlock pupils’ potential for future life choices. We recognise that in an increasingly scientific and technological age, children need to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to better prepare them for modern life. We encourage pupils to be confident to ask questions and not to be afraid of getting it wrong, but instead viewing it as an opportunity to learn.

By providing these opportunities, we ensure that our children are motivated, confident, life-long learners who will continue to explore the world around them, way beyond their time at primary school.


Our History curriculum aims to shape confident pupils, with a rounded knowledge of the world that came before the one they see around them.  It gives pupils the skills they need to distinguish fact from fiction and the self-belief to form their own, informed opinions on historical events.  The curriculum encourages the idea of questioning, rather than accepting, what has gone before and to create an environment where pupils use evidence to debate their point confidently.  History aims to bring the past to life by learning through art, music, artefacts, story, drawing on pupils’ curiosity, life experiences and heritage.


The Halley Geography curriculum aims to inspire in our pupils a life-long curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. It teaches knowledge about diverse places, people and environments. The curriculum gives pupils the skills they need to both interpret and communicate geographical information.  It encourages questioning, rather than accepting, and to create an environment where pupils use their geography knowledge and skills to discuss their ideas with confidence.

Personal, Social, Health Education

PSHE is a central part of our school curriculum and that it supports pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life in modern Britain. The PSHE curriculum brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.

Our PSHE curriculum will support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour which enable pupils to:

  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Value self and others
  • Form relationships
  • Make and act on informed decisions
  • Communicate effectively
  • Work with others
  • Respond to challenge
  • Be an active partner in their own learning
  • Be active citizens within the local community
  • Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
  • Become healthy and fulfilled individuals

Art and Design

The Art curriculum at Halley develops and extends pupils’ visual creativity, curiosity, enquiry and aesthetic sensitivity to the natural and man-made world.  It aims for proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. Evaluation and analysis and appreciation of creative works using the language of art, craft and design provides stimuli for learning.  Art learning is embedded in historical and cultural contexts drawing on a wide range of media.  Learning is deepened through teaching by a professional artist in residence.

Design & Technology

The Design & Technology curriculum at Halley aims to be inspiring, rigorous and practical. Using creativity and imagination, pupils can design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering the requirements of both themselves and others. After making their final product, pupils evaluate the product, identifying how it has been successful and make suggestions for improvements. Pupils should acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and language and draw on knowledge and skills from Maths, Science and Art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful and innovative. Pupils should develop their enterprise expertise in real contexts.

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) at Halley aims for children to become knowledgeable, articulate and critical about the religions around them in a safe environment in order to contribute positively to today’s plural society. The RE taught is multi-faith and does not seek to convert or urge a particular religion or belief on pupils; it endeavours to allow children to make informed choices about how they want to live their lives whilst also understanding more about the faith of other people they meet.

R.E. is taught using the agreed Tower Hamlets Syllabus created for the academic period 2022 – 2027. The syllabus was created in tandem with SACRE (Standard Advisory Council for Religious Education) and draws on the Understanding Christianity curriculum created by RE Today for units covering Christianity.  The curriculum aims to ensure all children:

  1. Know about and understand a range of religions and world views
  2. Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and world views
  3. Gain and employ the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and world views.


We believe providing pupils with a rich and diverse Music education is fundamental to helping to unlock their creative learning. Our Music curriculum sets out to allow children a broad range of musical experiences within primary school, giving pupils the foundation to explore their talents and passions, as well as opening up learning to a wide variety of musical styles, the opportunity to sing and play individually and as an ensemble and to perform for a range of purposes.

The Music curriculum has 3 core areas:

  • Music Theory with Keyboards
  • Song-writing and composition with Glockenspiels
  • Singing

These are delivered across three half terms throughout the year. The remaining three half terms within an academic year will be instrument-focused in order to ensure pupils have the opportunity to perform on a variety of tuned and untuned instrumentation from a wide range of different cultures.

Pupils’ music learning is deepened through specialist teaching, small group and some 1-1 teaching, as well as attending and taking part in performances in local settings.

Languages (French)

We are committed to the principle that learning another language helps foster a curiosity and deeper understanding of cultures and the world in general. The language taught in our school is French. Our intent in the teaching of French is to promote the development of linguistic competence and confidence in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well as an understanding and awareness of the world and culture.

The French curriculum aims to be enjoyable and accessible to all pupils, teaching pupils to communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, with an emphasis on familiar and routine events and for practical communication purposes.

The curriculum aims to lay the foundations for future language learning by pupils and to develop a positive attitude towards the learning of languages in general.

Physical Education

It is our aim to not only get children excited about sport, exercise and competition but to also embed transferable skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience across the whole curriculum to make PE fulfilling and worthwhile. PE aims to provide fun, be fully inclusive and interactive for all pupils, providing each child with the opportunity to experience the benefits that an active lifestyle can bring while developing a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.


It is our intent to not only educate pupils how to use technology in an academic way, but also to prepare them for using it outside of school and in a safe way. We do this by combining the Computing curriculum with a wide range of media subjects to inspire pupils in a topic they may not have met before. It is our aim that educating pupils in topics such as music production or stop-motion animation will develop new interests for them to hone this interest and that this may one day be something they choose to explore as a future subject or career. We want to ensure that pupils cover all the National Curriculum content and achieve progress using different aspects of technology and computing safely and with a deep understanding and confidence.  We also have an enriched e-safety curriculum to embed understanding of the dangers and pitfalls of this ever-advancing technological revolution.