Hello Year 6


maryama - hi everyone

Maysha - Hello everyone I am keeping myself busy by playing bored games ,reading ,playing in my garden ,baking ,playing with my brother and drawing however I am still bored
stay safe

Radiya - Sharon I was studying the semi’s topic on the study ladder. I am unable to put the hyphen in between the words. For example the word semi-circle I cant find an option for the hyphen. I have tried keeping a space in between the word and even tried to write it as one word but it keeps on showing as incorrect. My mum also tried helping but it still didn’t work, What should I do?

Unknown - Who kept all there fasts so far because I kept most but I can’t anymore so yeah.

Naima - These pictures made me cry . I miss you all so much. Good luck for next year. ‘Peace’

Dean - Hi Year 6
Hope you are well?
Feels like a long time since I last saw you all. Good to see you are all staying busy. Wishing all those that celebrate a blessed Ramadan.
Stay healthy and safe ?

Saarah - I have been doing many things. The other day we grew some vegetables and i grew a pumpkin which has germinated. WE have also have been doing a lot of cooking and baking we made cupcakes and we had carrot cake yesterday.

Sharon - Radiya, Raisa and Iqra, thanks for sharing what you are doing at home. I'm really pleased to hear that you are managing to get outside, particularly as the sun is shining. You are able to leave your home to exercise once a day so keep doing that. Of course Ramadan starts very soon for some of your families, so best wishes to you at this time.

Radiya - I am always drawing and sitting outside. Me and my sister cook or bake something every weekend .

Raisa - I am currently getting ready to fast in ramadan ? best of wishes to everyone

Iqra - I have finished all my SGP books and I do lots of cooking with my mum I also had taught my family a few dances .We do go outside for a walk sometimes otherwise we're at home we're having lots of fun my favourite was making our own board games them playing them and don't worry I'm still reading books I'm nearly finished the second book of wild tiger too how are you doing?
From iqra.?

Sharon- - Thank you Sameera, Aizah, Maryama, Saima and Maryam for getting in touch. It's great to hear how you have been keeping yourselves busy. There are going to be some great cooks in Year 6 by the time 'lockdown' is finished. Anyone else in Aquila class been cooking or baking or doing anything they would like to share? We would love to hear from you.

Sameera - Hello Sharon I have been cooking with my mum, she taught me Lots of tips and tricks. I have also finished my cgp math book!!

Aizah - I'm mostly making things and selling them because everything is business & I made my own slippers but I'm not selling those

maryama - I am keeping my self very busy and already finished my cgp books!!!!

Saima - I am doing many things at home such as baking cakes,going to the park and doing game nights with my family!!!

Maryam - I doing lots of things to stay busy at home.

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