Year 6 French Trip


samia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I miss all of my friends!!

samia - France was the best. i am going with my family!

Sumayyah - I know I already commented but I still can\'t over the fact that after 8 years me and my mates can\'t see each other like how we used FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS!! IMISSUGUYS😭😭 #bestclassever # missuguys #uknowiliasu just know

Abida Begum - Thank you Olivier without you this trip wouldn't of been possible so thank you so much. It has been a great experience.

sumayyah - OMG I miss Halley so much and I miss my friends and even miss France.

Samia - Love the pictures

humairaa - OMG I'm going to cry I miss you!

Mahida - France was amazing, I want to go again!

Nurjahan - I had so much fun on the beach

jannatul (year7) - WOOOW France looks amazing I wanna go😬

Iqras mum - Amazing photos - all had great fun

Maryam - I loved France it was so fun. I especially enjoyed the swimming as it cooled you down from the blazing hot sun.

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