Year 6 2009-2017


aizah - Miss you so much

Kamal (year 8 now) - Can't believe I’m still watching this. Halley will always be in my heart I can’t stop thinking about you all. Hope everything going well

Farhana - This year has flew by!! Its now may! Its been 10 months (including august) since HALLEY! nearly a year

Neeaj - Hey guys those seeking were good days and good years together

Yay - Guys i really want to see you all! Please come to Halley, or we can even meet up somewhere in the Easter holidays!
Plus, I need to talk to a few people about their song taste! (very certain people)

Maria - Wow a year has gone by... hope no one forgets these special memories

Safia - It is so boring without you. I cant believe we left year 6 it was so quick. I will miss all of you soooooo much and I hope you have a great year

Safia - Its so boring without you guys. I wish I was back at primary school. I miss all of you. We should all meet up one day.

Safia - Yes what day do you think is the best? Hmm. By the way Zaara, Zarah, Amani, Iqra I saw all of you but you didn't see me.

Zaara - I really want to see everyone again. Doesn't everyone else

Zaara - Let's make a date where we ALL visit Halley one day.

Safia - Yes Zarah but I didn't see you yet.

Zarah.G - Did anyone visit Halley yet?

Zaara - Yeah true

Zarah - These memories are like gold

Farhana - Thank you so much Halley for everything you've done for us

Zaara - I miss each and every one of the staff at Halley very much

Adil - Good luck in the future everyone

Neeaj s - Well done everyone we did so well and thank all of the staff

Adil - I miss all of you guys so much

Wendy - We are going to miss each one of you - you have given so much to our school. Wishing you lots of success in the future. Please come back to see us.

Amani - Thank you to all the staff, you've my time at Halley an even better experience, everyone in my class is like my second family to me and I will miss you guys a lot

Farhana - 2 more days left lets make it count!

humairaa - wow its finally time for them to leave well done from an old year 6

Adil - Thank you Halley for helping me

Nafisa (year 5) - Gonna miss year 6. Hope you do well in your secondary school ;)

Sadiq - It's been a good 8 years hope to see you all soon

Ishaq - Thank you Oliver and Elias for my best year of primary

Kamal - Ganna miss u guys

Nazifa - I will miss these years at Halley. Thank you everyone!

ishaq - Thank you Elias and Oliver for making this video for us

Ishaq - Thank to all the staff at Halley that gave me a wonderful time hear especially Elias and Oliver that made this video and good luck to them in the future.

Amani - I will miss every individual

Imaan - I will miss you all

Farhana - I will miss you Halley when I watch this video it makes me cry and everyday I'll be watching this video

Anisa - These 8 years of Halley were the best time ever and I will miss Halley sooo much.

Raian - I will never forget all of you guys

Farhana - When I saw other performances in the past I never thought about mine coming and it makes me think that I will never see each other again :'( I wish we were all going to the same secondary school but that's all in my dreams

Safia - I am going to miss all of you.

T-MAN - Thank you

Sumaya - Going to miss you guys so much!

Farhana - Although we're going to different schools we can say we had a spectacular time at Halley

Iqra - I Am Going To Miss EVERYONE !!!

Farhana - I will treasure these memories in my heart

Maria - I will miss Halley so much I love it there.

Zarah.G - I can't believe were actually leaving. :(:(:(

Taseen - Thank you Halley

Safia - This journey through Halley was amazing, I am so sad it has to come to an end.

Sabrine - I love these 8 years at Halley, thank you staff!

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