Year 6 2008 - 2016


Elias - I am looking through all the comments and I am proud of creating a great time with my old class. Thank you class and I hope you have a great future

Reeha - This assembly is amazing

saeed - I miss Halley so much.

Iqra - Although, I've already out in a comment today, I had to watch this video because I'm missing my class mates, the homely atmosphere as if you are all are family I'm missing it all. I just wish it was nursery all over again so I can spend 8 years with my classmates again. Missing you all a lot. And best wishes for all.🙂

Maryam - This school is so amazing. Everyday I would wake up and be excited to go to school because the people are awesome as are the teachers and there's also a great vibe. 🤗😢

Ridwan - Today I was online and I thought I will pop on the Halley website . And when I was looking at this memorable video I thought of the fantastic school I was in. It was amazing and changed my life.
I really enjoyed watching the video back again
Every time I look at it I feel proud
I loved it
I loved the performance because it was like amazin\'

Samia - I miss Halley sooooo much

humairaa - I miss you guys

Rehema - I am starting to miss Halley sooooooooo much!

Mahida - Halley is a wonderful school. It has been an absolutely amazing school and it was great knowing everyone. I am already missing everyone right now, especially my class mates. Good luck in your new school and thank you to all the teachers for being with me for 8 years, miss you guys.

Janan - Halley has been like a second family
Im gonna miss being a part of that
Im gonna miss my friends most of all😭

Abida - Wendy, thank you for everything. You have been the greatest thing ever, and thank you year 6 team.

Ismaeel - I will miss all my Halley classmates. I will also miss all the great memories I've had throughout my time in this great family. I will also miss all my friends I have made in Tower Hamlets.

faysal - I loved being at Halley. Every moment was amazing. I will never forget the students or teachers that supported us through all our years at Halley.

Iqra mum - Amazing class and an amazing school - we will miss you all

Iqra - My class is amazing. I'm gonna miss them.

Wendy - Have a lovely summer everyone and good luck in your new schools.
You have been a fantastic class and we will miss you.

Nurjahan - I will miss Halley so much

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