Hello to Year 5


Ebrahim Y5 - You can count on your parents

Ebrahim Y5 - You can can count on Google

Humaira - I got it right-ish!

Shamil - Those of you who have been waiting for the solution patiently.
The answer to the riddle is FINGERS.

Well done to those who have tried to attempt the riddle.

Maya - Fingers

nadia - is it fingers

Amira - Google says your fingers

Ebrahim Y5 - It depends on the situation for example if i can't complete my school work / home work I will ask my parents to help me. And if I am at school I will ask my teacher for help.

Aysha - Your fingers

Shamil - Well done Lyra Class. I have enjoyed reading your your responses. I will be uploading the solution in a couple of days. I hope everyone is well and have had a lovely Easter break.

Shafi - probably your brain?

amira - your fingers

Judith - ………………………………your family ………………………………

Rhedwan - ''When things go wrong, what can you always count on?'' Our mums maybe.

Humaira - Hi Shamil I hope you are all right.THIS RIDDLE IS TRICKY!! I think it is fingers or a ruler, but I'm not sure.

amana - Is it god?

Afseen - Your Fingers

amana - Hi Shamil hope you're alright? THIS ONES HARD!!!!!!!!! My cousin did this one on me and I think it was fingers?

Jaber - A calculator

Jaber - Tricky riddle

Afseen - Your fingers

Shamil - Great guess Sara. Keep on trying.

Dean - Hey Year 5
Hope you are all well?
Tricky one Shamil!

Arti - Hmmm...this one has got me thinking....

Isa - Hello shamil good riddle

sara - A calculator

Judith Fredua - ....I wonder what the answer is..?

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