Year 5 - George the Poet

Year 5 have been learning about George the Poet and his biggest influence Maya Angelou. They have been performing their poems.

Stop Racism by Amiin

Black people are protesting.

Racist officers are shooting them down.

It is not fair how black people are treated unfairly but white people are treated fairly.

My city has a lot of racism.

A black person isn’t your slave.

A black person is full of bravery and determination.

A black person doesn’t stop protesting until racism is finished.

A black person will continue to fight.

My city has a lot of racism.

Being a black person is a curse and a blessing.

I am done seeing black people being shot.

I will fight for equality

Unfairness by Jihadul

Black people treated badly like prisoners treated badly.

We can help and unite together and fight together as friends as always.

We can make homes and community for our people.

We can do it.


Parent - Amazing Amiin ?

Helen Collinge - I love your poem Amiin! Amazing work!

Shoshannah Thompson - So good to see and read your poems Amin and Jihadul, such passion and heart.

Shoshannah Thompson - Wonderful performances, I love Maya Angelou and I have not heard that poem before. I am also so pleased to hear one of George the Poets, I will definitely be sharing these with my family this half-term.

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