Hello to Year 4


Katherine - Hello Judith, I've started to do yoga! I didn't do it before, but it is an exercise that I can do at home. I wonder how everyone else in your class is getting on with their exercise during the Easter holidays?

Eiliyah - Hello everyone, I go for a jog/walk every day with my dad and sister.

Zara - I run around the house and I exercise and mostly having some rest so my brain can have lot's and lot's of energy the next day!

Judith - Hello to you all! It's great to hear all of your healthy and active ideas! Remember to keep it up during the Easter break. Even if you are marching on the spot, every bit will help!

Sharon - Hi Judith, I’ve got my FitBit out of the draw! I’m going to try and do 10, 000 steps a day. I wonder what the children in your class are going to do.

Helen T - Hi Judith, I hope you are well. I have been doing lots of walking!

Zara - I am doing incredible!

sara - I am eating healthy and running around the house and dancing and playing and working and resting btw Judith called me yesterday

Arti - Hello Judith and Phoenix class,
I have been doing Cosmic Kids Yoga everyday with my daughter Ava. She really enjoys it.
I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe,

Helen Collinge - Hi Judith,

Kathleen has made me do Pilates... I am happy to report that I have really enjoyed it!

Kathleen - Judith I am doing exercise with Joe Wicks everyday !

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