Welcome back Year 3


Rhedwan - That is brilliant Sulaiman. Not only are you making the most of the lockdown, but you are being extremely considerate by helping your family. Keep up the great work.

Anaya - I do ZUMBA too Sulaiman.

Anaya - I've also been doing the same as Ayah.

Sulaiman - Hi Everyone I hope you are well I miss all my class mates since being at home some days have been amazing my dad bought us a paddling pool so when the weather is nice I play with my sister and baby brother. I usually go on bike rides with my dad I go on the bike tracks which is amazing. Some days I feel very down and unmotivated I dont feel like doing anything as I feel sad we have to be at home and not at school ?. I like doing zumba exercise with my brother and sister my mum dad join in to it's fun we just mess about .morning time we do Halley school work and afternoon we like to learn more on our religion and do colouring sheets printed for us . I have been fasting and it feels good my mum makes yummy food for me at iftaar it's the best time .we have been busy baking cookies and choc cake we made jelly last night I will be eating that for iftaar tonight. I have recently enjoyed helping my mum prepare iftaar I like making fruit salad and peeling the carrots . I also helped my mum marinade bbq wings . Enjoy the rest of Ramadan praying for eveyone and see you all soon .stay safe .

Rhedwan - That is brilliant Rayna, not only are you helping your parents but you are also keeping up with your work. Well done Rayna!

Rayna - And EPIC

Rayna - I know it extremely hard for everyone.

Rayna - I know its extremely hard for everyone during this time. But I have been doing exercise with my Dad and my Brother. Also I have been reading DESTINATION EARTH. Another thing I do is that I help my Mum and Dad to set up the table for dinner. Also I have been doing Studyladder.

Rhedwan - Well done Ayah, you are making the most of the situation and being extremely productive. I also love the fact that you are reading on Epic. I love that!

Rhedwan - That is so good to hear Thierry, not only are you keeping fit, but you are also helping your family out. Well done!

Ayah - I learnt how to make an egg omelette and wrote the recipe down. I've been doing lots of baking with my mum. Doing studyladder and really enjoying the books on Epic. I've watched lots of movies on Disney and doing my daily prayers.

Thierry - I been playing football trying to train and cooking for my mum and dad.

Rhedwan - That is fantastic Adiat, you are being extremely considerate by helping your family out. Well done!

Adiat - I know is hard to stay at home for long. well I help my mum and dad with cooking and work,and make my own bed, play with my little brother. last week I made a chain with my little brother and played kanamachi, with my family and did my home work. lastly I watched a film.

Rhedwan - Well done Anaya, it seems that you are being extremely productive with all this spare time. Keep it up!

Anaya - I know that lockdown has been really hard but to keep busy I printed out some coloring sheets , made a board game and watched a few films. I also went on walks ,wrote stories
and read a lot of books too, as well as exercising in the morning doing my school work ,cooking and doing extra homework. ?

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