How tall are you?


zubaer - I am 9 crayola markers tall and my little sister is 6 crayola markers tall.

zubaer - I am 9 crayola markers tall and my little sister is 6 crayola markers tall

mustafa - I am 6 1/2 500ml water bottles tall

Ian - I am 4 water bottle tall and my dad is 6 water bottle tall.

Abbas - Niko I hope you are okay. I am 4 long books tall!

Niko - Great work everyone! Well done. Katherine, it's my brother's whiteboard. Can anyone think of a way we can find out who is the tallest in the class? Ayaan, how many cushions is your mum taller than you are? Would you be able to compare your numbers using the greater than > or less than < symbols? Zaina, did you measure yourself with your own feet or someone else's feet? Abaan, thanks - I like the pink socks too! Could you also compare your numbers using the symbols and then put it into a sentence? Kasia, wow 100 feet sounds really big. Can you measure yourself again just to check your answer? Get Kiki to help you.

Kisha - I am 100 feet and Kiki is 1000 feet (fat).

Katherine - How did you get a board that is almost as tall as you?! I wonder who is the tallest in your class?

Ayaan - Niko i am 3 sofa cushions tall and my mum is 4 sofa cushions tall.

Zaina - Niko I am 9 foot tall

Abaan - I am 17 cushions tall! My brother is 13 cushions tall. We like your pink socks Niko!

Niko - Thank you Helen!
Well done Safwan. That means your sister is 2 books taller than you.

Helen T - Niko you are so tall! Barry has just measured me and he counted 13 sheets. However I think our sheets are shorter than your sheets!

Safwan - I am 4 books tall and my sister is 6 books tall.

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