Ursa Major - The Caterpillars Have Arrived


Helen T - Hi Ishak! I really want to come back to school too and miss you all very much. Hopefully we can all be together at school again soon. I'm glad you enjoyed the video - I am waiting for another to be put onto the website so keep a look out for it. Take care and I hope all your family are well.

Helen T - Hello Sahib! It is so good to hear from you! I hope you are well. I miss you too and can't wait to see you all again. Keep checking the website as I have some caterpillar updates on their way.

Ishak Ahmed - Dear Helen, I really want to come back to school, I miss you and miss all my friends. I really enjoyed watching you unbox the caterpillars please could you create more videos like this. I hope your are well and safe. Ishak

Sahib - Hello Helen, I am really excited to see the caterpillars.. I miss u and everyone, can't wait for school to open. Seee you soon.

Helen T - Hello to you all! The caterpillars have grown so much. Have a look at my latest letter for an update!

Katherine - So exciting Helen! I wonder how long it will take for them to turn into butterflies? Does anyone else have any questions about the caterpillars? I hope they don't escape in your kitchen when they grow bigger!

Helen T - Hi A'Yaanah! So great to hear from you! I am glad you are all well. And to hear that Babuls is keeping you busy too! I'll post some more pictures over the Easter break so you can see the caterpillars as they change. Take care, Helen T.

Arti - They've arrived! I cannot wait to see them grow and become beautiful butterflies!

A'yaanah - Hi Helen,

I really miss you. I am doing well so is my mom and family. Babuls is keeping me busy. I was very excited to see your video. I am looking forward to see the baby Caterpillars grow. Take of yourself and your family. A'yaanah

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