Helen T - Hi Farhan! I bet all the children miss you too! I miss you too and I hope you manage to have some fun with your family over the Easter break. Say hello to Irfan from me! Helen T

Farhan - To Maryam, I miss you.

Farhan - Ishak I miss playing with you!

Helen T - Hi Maryam, I miss you all too. It's very strange not going to school and not having the same routine isn't it? But you are doing so well with your learning and I check Study Ladder every day and can see that you are logging on for every activity. That is real determination and perseverance, so well done!
I have just posted a video for you all so have a look - I'll keep in touch as much as I can on the website. Take care.
Helen T

Maryam - Hi Helen!
“I miss you very much, I try do my home learning everyday. I miss school and my friends”.
I hope everyone keeps safe and look forward to see you all soon.

Helen T - Hi Umar! It's so great to see your message! I havent been able to get in to school but some of the other teachers tell me that it is very quiet. We miss you all and are hoping that everyone stays well and we can get back to school as soon as we are able.
Well done with your studying and cooking with your sister! Will you share some recipes when we get back to school?
Keep well and keep in touch here on the website. Let hope we hear from all the children in the class!
Helen T

Umar - Hello Helen!

How are you? Is the class very quiet?

I miss you lots and my friends and my class. I have been doing my work on Studyladder and I especially like the Maths. Me and Ayah have been cooking and baking chocolate cupcakes with my mum.

I wish school opens soon.
Take care
Umar ????

Helen T - Hello Ishak and Aaliyah! How wonderful to see your comments! I miss you all too and miss school.
Ishak I am so pleased that you are trying with Study Ladder but don't put too much pressure on yourself - 5 or 10 minutes a day is enough - but do have a try at the activities that I post onto the Halley website each day. Also do some fun things too like baking or making playdough! There's lots of learning within these activities especially maths learning!

Aaliyah, how amazing that Safaa is trying to use the toilet! Well done to her! You can help her with this because you had to learn how to do it when you were as small as she is now! When we get back to school we should all have a tea party to celebrate being together again - I love your idea!
Keep posting onto the comments section and keep safe.
Helen T

Ishak Ahmed - Dear Helen, I miss you so much. I miss being at school. Ishak has been using the study ladder he finds it a little tricky to stay focused and often gets diverted with other things at home. We are trying our best rotating activities. Stay safe and look after yourself. ❤️?

Aaliyah - Dear Helen,
We miss you and Safaa tries to go to the toilet. She is learning. I did 2 activities in studdyladder and I miss everyone. We can have a tea party ? in my house.

Love ❤️ Aaliyah??????‍⚖️?‍♀️?‍❤️‍??‍❤️‍???‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍???

Aaliyah - Dear Helen,
We miss you and Safaa tries to go to the toilet. She is learning. I did 2 activities in studdyladder and I miss everyone. We can have a tea party ? in my house.

Love ❤️ Aaliyah

Helen T - Thanks Kathleen, you keep safe too.

Kathleen - Hello Helen and Ursa Major

I hope you are all well.
Well done Bodrul & Poppy for keep on going and not giving up and keeping yourselves safe.

I hope all of Ursa Major are safe too
See you Soon

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