Welcome to the EYFS

Frequently Asked Questions - How can I support my child starting school?


When will my child start at school?

When school reopens in September we will be inviting all children New to Nursery for scheduled stay, play & learn sessions. We will then be moving to all children being Part Time across September. You will be informed of your child’s start date in September. If you have any events i.e. the birth of a new child or both parents in work full time so your child requires an earlier start date, please make a staff member aware of this during the stay & play session/ Welcome phone call. We hope to have all children starting in school for their allocated Full time/ or Part time place by 23rd October.

Will my child be full or part time?

When allocating Full Time/ Part Time places in school we take into account parents’ preference, parents employment alongside children’s readiness for school. All children will start the school as Part Time We currently are able to offer only 13 Full Time places. Parents that are in receipt of the 30-hour free childcare code have priority for Full Time places. Other places are then allocated according to parents in work & readiness for school. If you feel you have additional reasons to qualify for a Full Time place, then please make staff members aware at the stay & play session/welcome phone call.

What will my child’s first day at school be like?

Every child new to the school will have slightly different experiences and ‘readiness’ for school. Prior to starting at school we will run stay, play & learn sessions. We hope to be able to invite parents & children into the setting. You will have a chance to see the learning environment and take part in some fun activities with your child. At the end of this session your class teacher will discuss times and how we will settle your child across the next few weeks.

How can I help my child be ready for school?

Talk to your child about starting school, how they are growing up and going to ‘big school’ is a nice way to start the topic. Watch the Welcome to Halley EYFS video on the website. Talk to your child about their feelings about starting school. Walk pass the school and show the gate they will be entering through.

This is a fantastic video giving practical advice on how to help your child be ready.

Does my child need to be toilet trained?

Yes, at school we require all children to be toilet trained prior to starting school unless they have a medical condition or an additional need. It is really important that the toilet training process starts in the home with an adult familiar to the child. If you are having challenges with toilet training, then please make a member of staff aware and we will put you in touch with the agencies that can support. If your child has a medical or additional need that makes toilet training difficult then please make sure your class teacher is made aware of this in the stay & play & learn session or Welcome phone call.

How can I help my child in the holidays?

In your Starting School Pack you have been provided with a grid of learning activities for August. Try as many as you can and record them in the home learning diary. Establish good routines now. Children need clear bedtime routine and are recommended to have up to 12 hours sleep a night. Set a clear routine for bedtime, bath followed by a story then bed! Support your child in becoming more independent. Encourage your child to learn how to dress and undress themselves. Also encourage your child to feed themselves using a knife and fork.


What will my child’s first day at school be like?

Every child new to the school will have slightly different experiences and ‘readiness’ for school. On the 4th of September we hope to be able to invite both parents & children to attend a Stay, Play & Learn session in school. You will have a chance to see the learning environment and take part in some fun activities with your child. At the end of this session your class teacher will discuss times and how we will settle your child for the rest of the week. The next week we will be staggering children’s first morning session to be either the 7th or 8th of September. Most children are often then ready to be left in their class on the second day. If your child is finding transition difficult we can make arrangements to extend the settling period.

How can I help my child be ready for school?

Talk to your child about starting school, how they are growing up and going to ‘big school’ is a nice way to start the topic. Watch the Welcome to Halley EYFS video on the website. For many children it has been a long time since they have been separated from their mum or dad. Take the opportunity now that restrictions have been relaxed to go on trips outside the home, visit relatives. If mum or dad is the main carer for your child, practice leaving you child with a different family member for a period of time.  Take your child on a trip to pick up their school uniform & buy their school shoes. Talk to your child about their feelings about starting school. Walk pass the school show the gate they will be entering through. We hope that all families new to the school will have the chance to come in and meet the teacher and see their classroom before they start.

This is a fantastic video giving practical advice on how to help your child be ready.

How can I help my child in the holidays?

In your Starting School Pack you have been provided with a grid of learning activities for August. Try as many as you can and record them in the Summer holiday learning diary. Establish good routines now. Children need clear bedtime routine and are recommended to have up to 12 hours sleep a night. Set a clear routine for bedtime, bath followed by a story then bed! Support your child in becoming more independent. Encourage your child to learn how to dress and undress themselves. Also encourage your child to feed themselves using a knife and fork.

Online support

Free Home Kit - Including Books and Activities

We will be using these materials when your child starts with us in September. They have lots of brilliant resources to access online at home.