Dear colleagues,


As you know the NEU and NAHT are working closely together, nationally and locally, to campaign for increased investment in our schools and for a fully-funded pay rise for staff.


Parental support is vital in this campaign and we are looking at ways to involve them in supporting our campaign.


As part of this we are are jointly organising six meetings in the following schools across the borough on Wednesday June 14th at 4:30pm:

  • Banga Bandhu
  • Cubitt Town
  • Lansbury Lawrence
  • Halley
  • Malmesbury
  • Thomas Buxton

The aim is to bring parents,staff and governors from the local area together to hear from headteachers and staff about how school cuts are affecting decision making.


At each meeting we will have postcards ready for parents and staff to sign, which we will collect and deliver to the Department for Education.


We are also planning to follow these meetings up with a local march and rally on Monday June 26th, under the heading The Big School Trip - more details to follow.


Please can we ask you to share publicity about these meetings with parents at your school and encourage them to attend the one most local to them - I have attached the leaflet in various forms for different platforms including a print ready version.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about any of this.


Finally, those of you that were in Tower Hamlets in 2017 will remember our Big School Assembly, the anniversary of which is today and who can forget the wonderful Riazul and his closing song.


Let's work together to do it again.


Thanks and best wishes,

Alex Kenny

(on behalf of NEU and NAHT joint campaign)

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